Monday, January 23, 2012


So my weekend was a laughable diet-fail, but you know what? It's OKAY. It's okay because I have a wonderfully positive outlook on the next five days ahead of me. And yes, next weekend might be a colossal failure again, but you know what? I'll have given 5 days of my dieting best and HOPEFULLY before too long I'll want less sugar/carbfest - which, really, is one of my biggest goals. I'm feeling very encouraged today, which is new for me. Bring on that celery, bring on that popcorn! I can do this. I have the courage to try and change my habits for the BETTER. This is something I want to prove to myself and yeah - today is a good day. (:



1 c   cooked oatmeal

1  t   honey
1/2 c unsweetened almond milk

Sweet without the sugar, double the calcium and protein of regular milk, lots of fiber to keep me feeling full longer. Also, I started with a glass of water and ended with a glass of water. VERY SATISFYING! 

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