Monday, February 27, 2012

Exhausted...And Proud

Day one of Bootcamp is complete and I'm feeling weirdly masochistic about it. I wanted to die about half-way through...but I can't wait to go back. (: It's been a longlong time since I've worked so hard and pushed myself to the vomit/faint stage. Lol. Which sounds awful, but nothing that a sip of water and a walk around the gym can't cure. There was a lot of running in today's circuit training, more than I had anticipated, which was torture because I haven't run for quite a while.

Today's Schedule

Warm Up x 3 sets:
-Run 1 lap
-5 Handstands
-10 Deep Squats

Workout x 5 sets:
-Run 3 laps

Like I said. EXHAUSTED. I'm pretty sure I'll walk like a granny for a couple of days but man, it feels good! You know, I looked around at our 5:30 AM assortment (which didn't consist of any swimsuit models, to my amazement and relief) and felt proud of all of us for having the initiative to roll out of bed, drive to the gym in the dark and have our collective butts kicked first thing in the morning. There were about 15-20 of us, mostly thirty-somethings like myself, and then older people, too, including a couple well into their sixties - just doing their best.

It made me want to be that hardcore when I'm sixty - and it made me want to start NOW.
I cannot wait until Friday, when I get to feel the equivalent of being hit by a bus again.

And until then, I just might try another class in the meantime.
Power toning...or maybe Zumba...
Hm. Maybe this gym-phobia has turned into a new obsession. (:

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