Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Three what, you ask? 
Three pounds shed. 

Three - in one hit-and-miss week. Imagine what I could do if I really applied myself! It seriously motivates me. I came in under my daily calories and carbs goal yesterday for the first time, without feeling starved and frustrated, and it feels amazing. Makes me want to try even harder today. 

Fit in ten minutes of calisthenics whenever you can! Drop and give ten honest minutes of sit-ups - push yourself and make it count! Do it as often as your schedule will allow. Yesterday I got three ten-minute segments of abs in and I feel accomplished and sore. It's the least I can do, really, but it helps me feel that at least I did something.

Unsweetened almond milk. So good! 35 calories! ZIP sugar!
Mission corn and whole grain tortillas. Satisfying for carb cravings!  90 calories!

Today I will get some cardio!

And you know what? This is getting easier.

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